Our ethos

We want everyone who would like to visit, contribute or participate to feel welcome and be able to engage with A Gray Space. So if you have any issues using our website or accessing and enjoying our experiences, please do get in touch and let us know. We would hate anyone who wants to participate to be or feel excluded!

Our values

As a team and an experience, we’re striving for:



We want everyone to feel welcome and be able to contribute



We value and want to support all forms of creative endeavour



We strive for excellence as individuals and in what we create

Our ambitions

While Alasdair Gray is the connective tissue of A Gray Space, it’s not all about him. It’s about the future. And what we can create together inspired by his creativity and ethos. Alasdair never touched digital technology. Yet we’re an online-only space showcasing creative projects. So we’re proudly counter intuitive!

We want A Gray Space to surprise and delight us. To challenge and disturb us. We want it to be unpredictable and exciting. Going to unexpected places and sharing inspiring people and projects.


Our identity