Kevin Cameron

Filmmaker, friend and Director of Alasdair Gray: A Life in Progress.

What does Alasdair Gray mean to you?

White background with the word VISIONARY in black
White background with the word HUMANISTIC in black
White background with the word VISIONARY in black

Explain yourself?


Audio transcript

I guess visionary would be 1 word. Because I think he has that same kind of vision that he brings to different mediums. And it’s something that… there seems to be a kind of totality to the work. And a kind of cross over between the novels and something like Oran Mor.

The other word… I guess kind of humanistic… Although he could be infuriating and everything, he seemed to have a lot of insight into other people. And a lot of empathy for other people.

Curious I think would be another. Because I think he was always very curious about other people… and the kind of different mediums that he worked in. It seemed to be a bit of a curiosity about how does this medium work? I’m going to go into this medium… go to the ends of it… and then I’ve done it! You know. I’m going to write this epic novel, Lanark. I’m going to do this huge mural. And it’s almost like he wanted to go through that process.


Mora Rolley


John Mackechnie