Heart is for… our Gray DNA
What does it mean to be Gray? What does Alasdair Gray mean to you? We’re crowd-sourcing the answers 3 words at a time. Explore our words and feelings… share your own!
Share your feelings…
Describe Alasdair Gray or his work in 3 words and tell us why you’ve chosen them.
Explore our Gray DNA…
Select a relationship to see how these contributors feel about Alasdair.
Interpreting our Gray DNA
How does the AI behind ChatGPT and Midjourney interpret our Gray DNA?
Iain Clark
Photographic artist who included Alasdair in his 2007 Inspired portrait series.
Tony McNamara
Playwright, screenwriter and producer who scripted the film version of Poor Things.
May Hooper
Close friend, neighbour and confidante also featured in some of Alasdair’s art.