Stef Gardiner

Artist and Alasdair’s long-time assistant. A man with more experience than most of Alasdair’s extraordinarily productive creative chaos.

What does Alasdair Gray mean to you?

White background with the word CHAOTIC in black
White background with the word CHAOTIC in black
White background with the word VORTEX in black

Explain yourself?


Audio transcript

Chaotic! Productive! And he was a vortex! But then again… 3 words. It’s impossible to describe Alasdair Gray in any way, shape or form with just 3 words. Vortex is an all-encompassing one. But productive because… there was always something being made. He was always writing... He was always drawing... And it was always chaotic. Yes!


Kat Rolley


Mora Rolley