Our identity

How do a team of 3 non-techie’s develop a website that works? Squarespace answered that question but posed another problem. How can we breathe life and personality into a product that’s designed to be consistent, standardised and well-mannered?

We turned to Alasdair Gray and his work for help.

Our hero image

Since A Gray Space is a digital reimagining of Alasdair’s own home, our hero image is taken from the point cloud data of Alasdair’s flat.

Alasdair’s flat seen from the communal hallway

Our colors

Our colours came from Alasdair’s books. With a little adjustment to ensure they meet AAA accessibility standards.

Alasdair’s Late Verses

First edition of Lanark

Colour test with hero image

Our emblems

Our emblems are drawn by Alasdair and have a personal meaning for us.

Purple Alasdair Gray drawing of winged baby curled inside brain cavity of a skull

Inspiration and ideas

Red emblematic Alasdair Gray drawing of heart with outspread wings

Love and creativity

Green Alasdair Gray drawing of clasped hands with older lined one supporting smaller soft one

Work and community

Our identity

The first 2 reactions to our website under development were a little disconcerting. “Polite and a bit corporate.” Followed by “dark and quite frankly disturbing.”

So there you have it. That’s what you get when you cross Squarespace with Alasdair Gray. Our Gray Space identity. Corporate with trigger warnings!


Our ethos


Our emblems